Dada Pados
Spiritual Hymns
Mahylo means the Supreme Lord Within
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Jene janynu sachu sookha antarma...teno jagyo Mahylo...
The one who has known the real bliss within, His Lord within has awakened
Je rahyyo joodo tena mahyla thhi dookho baakii
The one who forsakes and remains separate from the Lord within, his suffering is not over yet
1. Koyee pujey murti manohar...koi japato maala...
Someone worships an enchanting idol...another recites a mantra along with a rosary bead
koi bole Brahma Vakyo...koi karto seva
Someone utters the supreme sentences...another renders service to others
keva keva vesho badaley !! abhiinivesha badhaan...kono jagyo Mahylo?
How many garbs and external modes are changed !! Alas they are all ego oriented efforts of the obstinately attached one...
Whose Lord within is awakened?
2. Potey manelaa ni aarati karato...manaaman ma fasaato,
One keeps running around the one whom he has established a belief in.. and thus gets caught up in the ego traps of self validation and insults
taro maro joodo karata tena thii door thaato
Thus creating divisions between mine and yours and thus dividing, one veers away from the One within
Svas dhadakan no tu pujari...avasariyo chookii jaato...kono jagyo Mahylo?
Oh mortal man ! Your devotion is limited to the extent of the limits of your breaths and heart are loosing away your precious moment
3. Saamey Bhagawan...Mahila Bhagawan, teno bheda chhe moto
There is a world of difference between the God in front of you and the Lord within...
Ek jooda chhe, ek jodey chhe...kono saath saacho?
One is separate from you, the other is with you...whose company is true?
Bhavo bhav na aa Saathi ney...Jani ley aa Mahylaa ne...kono jagyo Mahylo?
Come and get to know the One who has been with you life after life...this One within...
4. 'Aaj' hu chhoon, hu karoo chhoo...kadi naa tutey kyaye
'This' I am, 'I am the doer', can never be shattered.
'Hu janoo chhoo', 'Maroo ja sachoo,' rakhadavey bhavo bhav ma
'I know', 'Mine only is the truth,' will make you wander life after life
Krupa tenu naam ja jaan ....todaavey jey aa saghadoo...teno jagyo Mahylo...
That which shatters this bondage of life after life reentry...know that as verily the Grace...and such a person's Lord within is awakened
5. Saachii bhakti tene kahii chhe, jyaa kaiik upaje prem
True devotion is defined by that which releases love
Evo prem kya tey diitho?, jya nathii koi iicchhaa?
Where have you seen such love? Love of the kind that has no conditions or associations with desire?
Bhakti karajey eva nii ja ...upajaavey aa prem !, teno pragat mahylo !
Be devoted to such a One who facilitates the inner release and expression of such love...Such a One is enlightened indeed!
6. Puja pahela poochii leje ...shoo hu khodoon ahiiyaa?
When commencing any prayerful devotion anywhere, ask what am I seeking here?
Kya thii aavyo? Hoo kaun chhoo? Shoo rahyoon chhe baaki?
Where have I come from? Who am I? What is remaining for me to do?
Tena jawaabo Soocharanoma... Param Vinay vinay ma... teno jagyo Mahylo
The answers to these lie at the location of liberation...the feet of the enlightened One...the Gnani Liberator...via the mode of ultimate humility
7.Jeni mahii aa Gnan no Divo...teyj taney taarey,
Only the One within whom this lamp of Knowledge is blazing, can liberate you from the darkness of your ignorant aimless wandering
Swayam bhakti saheje oopajey, aava Sat na sharaney
The constant devotion to the Self will arise naturally there upon such a surrender to the eternal
Khodii leje eva Purush ney...Kalyanii roopey farata...Jeno Pragat Mahylo
Seek out such an Enlightened One who has no worldly inner connection to thoughts speech or acts and who moves about solely for the
of others.
Sarvagnya na Soocharanoma....shuddha...composed Oct 9 2005 Laguna Beach California Web Upload Oct 10 2006. Additional credits are
given to Shri Roshanji for the melody of this hymn and Shri Mukeshji who had rendered the original song very beautifully.
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