Arati Of Dada Bhagwan

TThe Self

The Lord Within Us All


Jai DadJai  Dada  Bhagwan, Dada Sangameshwar Bhagwan

Glory to The Lord Within, Dada Bhagwan, The Lord of all religions of man


Arati kari jeev taade (2), raudra, aarta, apadhyana… Jai Dada Bhagwan

By doing this arati one gets rid of adverse meditation of inner anguish and turmoil spilling to others…Jai





Pragat deevo aa Dada kero, jaga prakashmaan kare…Dada jaga prakashmaan..

This live lamp of Dada illuminates the whole world…Dada illuminates…



Jag kalyaane pragatya (2), akram gnaan avatar… Jai Dada Bhagwan

This Akram Life Form manifest for the salvation of the world…Jai Dada Bhagwan





Paheli arati Dadani, trividha taap taade… Dada trividha taap taade…

The first arati of Dada, abolishes the threefold, mental, physical and externally induced suffering…Dada



Sarva avastha samaadhi (2), shuddhatma jyot jale… Jai Dada Bhagwan

Samadhi, bliss exists in all situations as the lamp of the pure Soul glows….Jai Dada Bhagwan





Biji arati Dadani, kevad darshan kare… Dada kevad darshan kare..

The second arati of Dada, brings forth the absolute vision…Dada brings forth the absolute vision…


Poshai  na poshai jage (2), kriyamaa akartaa… Jai Dada Bhagwan

 Of the state of non-doer ship in all interactions, whether acceptable or not, to the world.






Triji arati Dadani, kevad gnaan paame… Dada kevad gnan paamey

The third arati of Dada, is for the absolute knowledge …Dada




Svasamvedan shakti (2), bhrahamand prakashe svayam… Jai Dada Bhagwan

The energy to remain as the eternal independent Self, which illuminates the entire universe





Chauthhi arati Dadani, adithha tapa kare…Dada Adithha tapa kare

The fourth arati of Dada, energizes one for the invisible penance



Gnan agnan bhinna bhedi (2), sva-chaaritra lahe… Jai Dada Bhagwan

That keeps knowledge separate from ignorance and thereby increases the experience of the Self





Panchami arati Dadani, kalyaan bhaav vaavey… Dada kalyaan bhaav vaavey

The fifth arati of Dada sows the seeds of the salvation of the world…



Tirthankar pada paami (2), jag kalyaan kare… Jai Dada Bhagwan

As defined by the state, and the order of the tirthankaras, for the final good of all in the world.




Dada arati kevad jey koi gaashey, Dada jey koi gaashey

The  one who sings the arati of Dada, who sings…



Ek krupa amii drashti (2), taran taaran taarey..Jai Dada Bhagwan

Is blessed and liberated by the grace and compassionate eyes of the final liberator.







  Shuddha Chidrupa ...Avinashi Aavishkaar


Nikhila Niranjana ...Nirupana Namokaar


Paramodayam Paramanadum ...Param Purush Pahechan


Pal Pal Pranoma ...Param Purush Ney Pranaam...


Pal Pal Pranoma ...Dadashri Ney Pranaam




Pragat Dada Stuti


Gnanajan Hey Parmanandam

The One who imparts knowledge is the absolute bliss state





Hey Dada Jai Sat-Chit-Anand

O Dada Thou art that, glory to the eternal awarenss that is bliss




Niranjana Siddha Arihantanam,

Beyond all karmas having attained the absolute state of no inner enemies


He Dada ‘Tey’ Moodathhi Charamspand

 I touch the feet of this Original form, ‘Dada Bhagwan’





Mookhamudra Manhara Janavallabha,

The face that wins the minds of the entire world…



 Murlimanohar Gnan Shuddhamrut

The  pure eternal words of Gnan from his ‘flute’ enchant the whole world.



Bahyantar Nirgranthi Samras,

Free from any knots of attachment and abhorrence within and without, in equanimity


Dasha Aho! Vitarag Anupam.

Behold this State ! Of the Vitarag, the unexcelled one.




Atmanandi Pushti Vachanbud,

The bliss of the Self is nourished and energised by the power in His words



Nishkami Karunamaya Palpal.

Desireless and compassionate moment to moment




Pragat Divo ‘Aa’ Jyoti Zadahada,

The amazing flames of this lamp of the universal Self



Jaga Akhanu Tado Dadadar (2)

May it relieve the world of all pains and suffering of the darkness of ignorance.



Nirbhedi ‘Aa’ Abudha Padachhand,

This giant amongst all men, who has no use of intellect, is verily the one within all.



Anant Guna ‘Jai Sat Chit Anand’

Infinite qualities are expressed here in living form. The awareness of the eternal is bliss.




Karuna Sagar He Parmatam !!

O Absolute Lord of infinite compassion!!



Moksha Sambandhi Shashvat Sharanam.

I am at your feet eternally for my liberation.





‘Dada Bhagwan Na Aseem Jai Jaikar Ho’

Infinite Glorious salutations to Dada Bhagwan, the Lord within all  









Satsang With Dadashri about this Arati of Dada Bhagwan


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Jai Sat Chit Anand

The Awareness Of The Eternal Is Bliss