audio books

On this site you will be able to access the audio books and audio recordings which will facilitate the unfolding and establishment of Akram Vignan within you. These books and recordings are free, for you to download. The most efficient media players are Apple iTunes and windows media player which may be downloaded free. If you have difficulty downloading them, please download at night, when the servers are less busy. With a high speed connection, you may download at any time. Majority of the Gujarati recordings are of high quality sound so they will taake long to download. The English recordings are small files.




Download Site of Audio Recordings of English Translations of Pujya Deepakbhai's Live Satsang in Different Parts of the World

Introduction to Akram Vignan :: Audio English



This book is in four CD's of 80 minutes each in mp3 format. The language is Gujarati.

This is the Gujarati title for the book Flawless Vision in English

The size of each download is 31 MB and it will take about 2 minutes to download on fast cable connection





There has been much interest in this phenomenal book of Dadashri which is titled Flawless Vision in English. The original 4 audio cassettes of 45 minutes have been converted into 8 CD's of 45 mins each in the following version of the same book to avoid missing any material from the book.

nijdosh1.mp3          nijdosh2.mp3          nijdosh3.mp3         nijdosh4.mp3   

nijdosh5.mp3          nijdosh6.mp3          nijdosh7.mp3         nijdosh8.mp3   

dadashriatmavigyan1.mp3     dadashriatmavigyan2.mp3

This is the Hindi audio book of the main book of Dadashri: Who am I? in English

Mai Kaun Hun

The above is a professionally recorded audio book in Hindi with more precise Hindi pronunciations and tone. Web Upload August 25 2007. It is hoped that the entire Hindi speaking world have access to this amazing book of Dadashri. Please feel free to download, copy and distribute this with shuddha--pure inner intent.


This is the new series of 7 books which has the original satsang with Dadashri in Hindi language.

Gyani Purush Ki Pahechaan1

Gyani Purush Ki Pahechaan2

Gyani Purush Ki Pahechaan3

These contains the exquisitely beautiful description of the Gnani Purush by Pujya Niruben, not found in Gujarati Aptavanis.

This is the Gujarati audio book of the original Hoon Kaun Chhoo?

dadashriatmavignan1.mp3     dadashriatmavignan2.mp3


This single CD was distributed to all participants in Pujya Niruma's first USA gurupurnima celebrations in 1998. The words of the Gnani Purush will fill you with love, which transcends all worldly attractions.


pratikraman1.mp3    pratikraman2.mp3    pratikraman3.mp3

Please click on any of these books to download the audio book.

Click here to Download the Audio Book Pratikraman in English

      this version is in English.

whomi1.mp3     whomi2.mp3    whomi3.mp3   whomi4.mp3  


The following four books are in larger size of 73 MB each. These could not be compressed  more because their original recording format was analogue. However the sound quality is excellent. These take about five minutes to download on fast internet connection.

   The Fault is Of The Sufferer

 What has Happened is Justice                  

   Avoid Clash

  Adjust Everywhere

Vani No Vyavahaar:: Speech in Worldly Interactions : Volume One

Vani No Vyavahaar:: Speech in Worldly Interactions: Volume Three

Seva-Paropkar :: Helping Others :: Vol 1                                                                     

Seva-Paropkar :: Helping Others :: Vol 2                                       



Aptasutra 1 to 33 Download Site                 Aptavani 2 CD 1 to 22 Download Site

                                                                                                                          aptavani12 Download Site


Download Site of Audio Recordings of English Translations of Pujya Deepakbhai's Live Satsang from Different Parts of the World




New for Christmas 2005

Dada Internet Radio :: Live Satsang with Gnani Purush Dadashri :: 24 hours a day  :: 365 days a year

New Dada Pados: Spiritual Poetry & Hymns


Please note that all of the above audio books are available in CD formats. These make a total of about 100 CD's of 80 minutes each. Much of the recording has been done some 8 to 9 years ago. The downloadable version above is much compressed in the mp3 format. With successful  transferring all of this you will be able to carry the entire treasure of Dadashri's Akram Vignan in a key chain size mp3 player of about 10 gigabytes. With a radio frequency transmitter in an iPod version you will be able to tune in a blank preset FM frequency in your car radio and play any of the above in your car radio without any extra gadgets. You may not be able to access some of these books for a variety of reasons. As soon as  possible these audio books will be uploaded for you to use and share. These audio books will be especially useful to those who cannot read Dadavani  for a variety of reasons, but can understood spoken Dadavani.  It is anticipated that these Audio Books would help those who are trying to learn Gujarati for the express purpose of understanding The Akram Vignan of Dadashri as is. May the words of the Gnani enter the heart of those who listen...


Infinite Glory To The Eternal Lord Within All

sarvagnya na soocharanoma





