Aptavani that has unfolded as the living Goddess of Knowledge
આપ્તવાણી જે ખૂલી પ્રત્યક્ષ સરસ્વતી રૂપે,અનન્ય આગમ ગનાઅર્કે ઝરે,વિરહો રાધાનો જેમ ક્રસ્ણથીજ હરે,ભવોભવની ભટકામણ સહેજે ટળે. આપ્ત પૂરૂષ્ની જે વાણી કળીકાળે ખૂલી...એવા તરણતારણની જયંતીજ નવી...જેના શબ્દેશબ્દજ મહીથી ઉગી મુક્તજ રાખે, એવો જનમ ન ભુતો ન ભવિશ્ય્તી. સૂચરણોમા...શુદ્ધ.
AptavaaNii Je khoolii pratyaksh Saraswatii roope,ananya aagam Gnaaarke zare,viraho raadhaano jem krasNathiij hare,bhavobhavanii bhaTakaamaN saheje TaLe.
Apt poorooShnii je vaaNii kaLiikaaLe khoolii...evaa taraNataaraNanii jayMatiij navii...jenaa shabdeshabdaj mahiithii ugii muktaj raakhe, evo janama n bhuto n
The Aptavani, the speech of the One who can be absolutely trusted, that has unfolded in Kaliyuga--the current era of the time cycle which is characterized by strife and tension internally and externally due to lack of unity in thoughts, speech and acts--is such that..
It flows as a gentle shower of the ultimate extract of the matchless Agamas--the 45 major Scriptures of Lord Mahavira the last of the fully Omniscient Beings on this earth 2600 years ago,
Just as the deepest yearning and love-filled pining of Radha--the legendery platonic--spiritual 'lover' of Lord Krishna can only be quelled by a meeting with Krishn
Likewise...the inner hunger of the Seeker who has wandered life after life, is easily quelled by these words of the Gnani Purush in Aptavani...
Apt poorooShnii je vaaNii kaLiikaaLe khoolii...evaa taraNataaraNanii jayMatiij navii...jenaa shabdeshabdaj mahiithii ugii muktaj raakhe, evo janama n bhuto n bhavishytii.
Such an Aptapurush whose speech has unfolded in KaliYug, His Birth Anniversary is New every time.
The one whose words blossom from within and maintain Liberation, such an Apta Purush...is unmatched and unique and His Celebration brings everything New within.
જેણે સ્પર્શ્યા છે આ ભાવોથી બહ્યાન્તરમા, જેણે સેવ્યા છે આ ભાવો થી રગો રગમા, જેની નીસ્કારણ કરુણા નુ પ્રમાણ અહો! અહો! એવા આ ગ્નાનીની પ્રત્યક્ષ પરમાણુ વહો....આપ્તપુરુષની જે વાણી...
JeNe sparshyaa chhe aa bhaavothii bahyaantaramaa, jeNe sevyaa chhe aa bhaavo thii rago ragamaa,
Jenii niiskaaraNa karuNaa nu pramaaN aho! aho!
evaa aa Gnaaniinaa pratyaksha paramaaNu vaho....aaptapuruShanii je vaaNii...
The One whom I have 'touched' through these bhaav--deepest inner intents--within and without...
The One for for I have nurtured these bhaav, in every vein in my body, life after life...
The One whose causeless compassion is something to behold in absolute awe!
May the live parmanoos--subatomic particle energies--of such a One ...flow all over.
દિવ્યદ્ર્ષ્ટી જેની ફેલાવે આ ધર્મધ્યાન, સહજ રાખે તેને આવુ આ શુક્લધ્યાન, આર્ત રૌદ્રધ્યાન તો માત્ર હવે સ્વપ્ન સમાન, એવા આ ગ્નાનીની પ્રત્યક્ષ વિધીનુ છે પ્રમાણ.....આપ્તપુરુષ ની...
divyadrShTii jenii felaave aa dharmadhyaan, sahaj raakhe tene aavu aa shukladhyaan, aarta raudradhyaan to maatr have swapna samaan, evaa aa
gnyaaniinii pratyaksh vidhiinu chhe pramaaN.....aaptapuruSh nii...
The One whose divine inner vision spreads the natural meditation of true religion--lack of any adverse internal meditation
That verily keeps one natural in the highest absolute meditation as the Self--shukladhyan.
Adverse internal meditation states of inner torment--artadhyan and that which spills over and hurts others--raudradhayan ...are now dreamlike states.
That verily is the effect of the living Vidhi---Gnan Vidhi of the Gnani Purush.
આપની સાક્ષીએ આજે આ ભાવોને મુકુ, જેનાથી દૂર છુ તેનેજ નમુ, જેને વ્યવહારમા કીન્ચીત દોષીત જોયો,તેના મય્હલાને નમન કરી હુ માફી માન્ગુ, આપ્તપુરુષની જે વાણી...
Apanii saakshiie aaje aa bhaavone muku, jenaathii door chhu tenej namu, jene vyavahaaramaa kiinchiit doShiit joyo,tenaa mayhalaane naman karii hu maafii maangu,...AptapuruShanii je vaaNii...
With You my Lord within...as the witness, today I am laying forth these feelings--expressions--bhaav
Let me bow down to the Lord within the one, from whom I have strayed and developed a distance
And ask for His forgiveness.
અન્તરસ્નાન ની આવી આ અજોદ શુદ્ધી, પરમાત્મા સ્વરુપનુ આવુ દર્શન, કોટ ટોપી ધોતીયુ ફુલહાર આ ફુલ્લ હાર્યાને, અજ્નમાજન્મની જનમ જયન્તી જેની, આપ્તપુરુષની જે વાણી...
antarasnaana nii aavii aa ajod shuddhii, paramaatmaa swarupanu aavu darshan, koT Topii dhotiiyu fulahaar aa full haaryaane, ajnamaajanmanii janam jayantii jenii, AptapuruShanii je vaaNii...
Ah this matchless purity of the inner bath, this divine Vision of the supreme Self!
This garment of coat-black hat-and the garland of flowers to the one who has attained this after accepting total defeat in all ego related interactions in the world....
This...Anniversary of The One who is beyond birth and death.
At the divine feet...
Composed Nov 7 2006
Recorded CD distributed in Chicago Gurupurnima 2007
This transliteration: November 7, 2007, Simandhar City, Ahmedabad India on the 100th Anniversary of the birth of The Gnani Purush.
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Dadapados : Hymns of Liberation
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